Tutorium "How to give a talk - Online (Promotionsumgebung)" |
Beschreibung |
This course conveys the basics of holding a scientific presentation. It encompasses the following main components : 1) how to structure your scientific talk. 2) how to gain the audience’s attention. 3) producing good slides or visual material. 4) building up confidence and techniques to alleviating stage fright. In this interactive workshop you will, in a small group setting , practice presenting. Furthermore, this course gives you the opportunity for interactive reflections and exchange amongst your peers. All other questions in and around the doctorial process are welcomed. Teaching and presenting language is English, please attend with sufficient prior knowledge. You will be added to the MS-Teams group automatically shortly before course begin. If there are any queries or last-minute changes please contact: promotion@charite.de! In order for the limited spaces to be allocated fairly. This course is credited with 1,1 ECTS Points. |
Fachsemester | ab 1. Fachsemester |
Cluster | Promotionskolleg |
Vorkenntnisse | All students in all semesters who have an interest of improving their presentation skills are welcome. Note for Medical Students - after attending M7 (Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten 1, S2) some background context may appear clearer. |
Ziel | To improve your delivery and speaking skills in english and acquire a structured and relaxed approach to public speaking. |
vorausgesetzte Tutorien | |
Zielgruppen | Promovierende |
Teilnehmer | 4 - 12 |
Buchbare Termine | (aktuell keine) |