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Tutorium "How to give a talk -Online (Tutorienpunkte MSM 2.0)"
Beschreibung This course conveys the basics of holding a scientific presentation. Contents involve how to structure your scientific talk and clinical hand overs; how to gain the audience’s attention as well as good slides or visual material. It will also deal with building up confidence and overcoming stage fright. In a small group setting you will practice presenting and take time for interactive reflections.
Teaching and presenting language is English. Please pay attention to booking via Promotionsumgebung (ECTS) or MSN (Unterrichtseinheiten) points!
Fachsemester ab 1. Fachsemester
Cluster Promotionskolleg
Vorkenntnisse All students in all semesters who have an interest of improving their presentation skills are welcome. This is an online course, accessible though Microsoft teams, after successful booking via LLP you will be added to the group.
Ziel To improve your delivery and speaking skills and acquire a structured and relaxed approach to public speaking.
vorausgesetzte Tutorien
Zielgruppen Studienbeginn Medizin
Teilnehmer 10 - 20
Buchbare Termine (aktuell keine)